Mobilnale / Proxy Vacation



Proxy Vacationers : Carl Johns and Emily Farrell - Berlin to Prague.

Can we make a fantasy real? Can the fantasy have stress? planes to catch? neck pains?

       * WHAT IF your dream vacation was a real-living-breathing person or persons? CAN FANTASY PARALLEL LIFE or BE LIFE?


EMILY and CARL are my PROXY VACATIONERS. They will be traveling from Berlin, Germany to Prague, Czech Republic via a train, bringing with them a sculptural fabric blanket that physically represents my subconscious mind-flow of a blissful weekend in Prague.

I do not represent either one. They are autonomous. Their actions are independent yet initiated by my interest in this fantasy. Acting as a unit traveling, photographing, chatting, eating, drinking, dancing, walking, discussing, arguing, fluctuating like any collective would on vacation. The fantasy is alive and uncontrollable. PROXIES can be organized, but not controlled  =  It is possible that they will fail, get frustrated, and maybe run late.

From NEW YORK, I will be channelling my hopeful vacation, wishing that their path coincides with my dream Prague vacation. BUT....

FRIDAY OPENING: Picnic on the car. Emily and Carl will be enjoying a lovely picnic on top of the car, as one representation of their actions necessary for this imaginary daydream vacation. It’s BLISSFUL, It’s ROMANTIC, It’s NOT-REAL/REAL


Mobilnale/Proxy Vacation - Prague, Czech Republic